Want to reap the health benefits of vegan diet but don’t want to put yourself through a strict regimen of eating kale salads everyday? Then start with something simple – add more nutrients to your diet and work towards a diverse diet. Eating kale is good for weight loss but a well-balanced intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats is essential for metabolism and prevent dietary deficiency. Inculcate the food and nutrients below into your daily diet for a healthier lifestyle.

Cold Pressed Juice

The trendy buzzword ‘juicing’ may strike a chord with those who know a thing or two about cleansing, but what exactly is it? It’s used to describe the consumption of cold pressed juice made by using hydraulic press to fully extract the freshest juice by crushing the fruits and vegetables, and because there’s no heat created by the machine, it kills off the unwanted bacteria and chemicals and keeps the nutrients intact. Vegetable is the key ingredient in cold pressed juice as it contains the most nutrients and are touted to prevent chronic illness.

Medicinal Mushrooms

Known as the most studied organism and essential ingredient in many medicines, medicinal mushrooms have been scientifically validated and used for hundreds of years to aid health and ward off chronic illnesses. Try the reishi mushroom which is acclaimed for improving sleep, calming your mind and plays a significant role in destroying cancer cells. Other mushrooms like chaga can be used to boost immune system and monitor abnormal cells.

Coconut Water

It always feels good to sip on coconut water when you’re on a tropical vacation, but did you know this tasty and trendy drink is loaded with nutrients? Coconut water can help reduce cholesterol level to prevent heart diseases and it is the best substitute for energy drinks during or after workout as it contains less carbohydrates, which is good for people who need blood sugar control and it replenishes electrolytes that help maintains the proper fluid balance.

Get More Micro-nutrients

A well-balanced intake of macro-nutrients like fat, protein and carbohydrates are instrumental in giving our body energy to function but many people are vitamin deficient, which can cause dire effects on their body. Chronic fatigueness, short attention span and poor immune system could be signs of Vitamin D deficiency. Get into habit of taking micro-nutrients if you want a boost of energy level.

Grass-fed Meat

Did you know that how a cow is fed makes a significant impact on the quality of the beef? Grass-fed meat has been proven that it contains more omega-3 fatty acids and fewer calories compared to grain-fed meat. Grain-fed meat comes from cows raised in filthy confinements and fed with antibiotics whereas grass-fed meat comes from cows raised on a pasture with more care, which explains why grass-fed meat contains more nutrients and less toxins.

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