It goes without saying that yoga works wonder for body and mind. Whether you are a yogi who adheres to a strict yoga regimen or has just started dabbling in basic yoga poses, you know yoga is all about forging the mind-body connection and achieving self-actualization. But when you find yourself stuck in a rut and in need of a change, old-school yoga tunes like restorative and yin might be the last things that spring to mind. As quirky yoga fad has spread worldwide, we have had a dig about and selected the best unorthodox yoga classes in the city for you to keep up with the agile trends.

SUP Yoga

Stand Up Paddle Yoga is pretty self-explanatory: you practice yoga on a surfboard and use a long oar to skim the water. For those with weak balances, the idea of practising yoga off the ground and onto the water could be daunting. But there’s no better combination than cardio workout (SUP) and flexibility-based workout (Yoga). After all, an increase in flexibility without strength can result in instability. Besides, stand up paddling fires up more muscles than any other activities.

Laughter Yoga

Laughter releases endorphins, the brain’s “feeling good chemicals”. But did you know that your body cannot differentiate fake and real laughter? Founded by an Indian physician two decades ago, Laughter yoga hinges on the belief that laughing voluntarily can trigger endorphin release and gives physiological and psychological benefits.

Hula Yoga

If standing on one foot or balancing upside down on two hands isn’t tricky enough, then it’s time to kick it up a notch and try swirling the hula hoop around your waist when striking a tree pose. Incorporating hula hoop into practice helps rotate the torso and enhances coordination. On the opposite end of spectrum, it helps disassociate you from stress and ego and ultimately find the inner child in you.

Wall Rope Yoga

You may find wall rope yoga intimidating If you’ve clicked through images online of professional yogis hanging gracefully midair. But don’t worry, you don’t need to have tremendous strength or know how to pull off the gravity defying feats since wall rope yoga is not the same as aeriel yoga. With wall rope yoga, all you need is good endurance and concentration level. It’s known as a practice for Iyengar devotees which emphasises details, alignment and control, so don’t get worked up if your instructor repeatedly points out your mistakes like a stickler of details.

Aerial Yoga On The Beach

If practicing yoga in a confined space with four walls isn’t your thing, then take your practice to a tranquil beach where you can immerse yourself in the nature and soak up the beauty around you. As the saying goes, “Mother nature has the power to please, to calm, to comfort, and to nature one’s soul”, there’s something invigorating about hanging upside down on a hammock and slinking into various yoga poses gracefully against a sweeping backdrop. Practicing aerial yoga on a beach helps strengthen your core and center your energy through mind-body connection.

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