If you’ve been slogging away on the elliptical for hours every day in hope of getting a chiselled physique but still not seeing the result, then it’s an indicator telling you that it’s time to tweak your workout routine. Did you know that 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training is more efficient for burning fats than steady pace cardio? And it’s definitely more fun and adrenaline pumping than other traditional regimens.


Weight Loss & Improved Metabolism

High-Intensity interval training refers to a cardio exercise that alternates between intense anaerobic exercise period and less intense recovery period. It’s been scientifically proven that HIIT burns more calories compared to other traditional regimens. All the intense exertion makes your body burn more fats for energy instead of carbs. HIIT also revs up metabolism when you push yourself to the limit where it’s hard to breath, which eventually helps you burn more calories post-exercise. Ideal for those who want to keep the blood sugar level in check, HIIT increases glucose metabolism as well as insulin sensitivity, which means a lower chance of getting diabetes, obesity and heart disease, etc.


Tailor Your Training

If you want to fire up more muscles and fully capitalize on the benefits of HIIT, you can incorporate strength and conditioning workout into it – You can do barbell deadlift as many as possible in 15 minutes with 2 minutes rest between each movement, and add weights incrementally. The key is not to rush it but focus on your breath and form. If weight lifting doesn’t float your boat or sounds too daunting to you, then just do as many burpees as possible in 30 seconds and rest for 10 seconds, then repeat for 5 minutes. If you’re looking to strengthen your core muscles and get chiseled six packs abs, then do crunches, situps, and hanging knee raise and rest after a half burpee in each round. Whichever way you choose, you’ll build endurance and a body of toned muscles!


It Saves Time & Money

The best thing about HIIT is that it doesn’t require a fully stocked gym and you can do it remotely at no cost. But if you prefer to be surrounded by a bunch of gym rats to keep your motivation high, then signing up for a group HIIT class is an option. HIIT is all about putting forward all your energy towards a short period of training, which means you can just squeeze a bit of time (like twenty minutes) out of your busy work schedule to get it done. You can always look up the tutorials online instead of paying for an instructor too.

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