Whether your goal is to ditch the unwanted love handles, avoid being body shamed, get a chiseled physique to impress your significant other, or just to enhance your overall…

Whether your goal is to ditch the unwanted love handles, avoid being body shamed, get a chiseled physique to impress your significant other, or just to enhance your overall…
I know it’s hard to suppress your appetite when the late-night munchies strike or stop the insatiable craving for fast foods or desserts when you’re on a cleanse. Your…
Ever put on an up-tempo metal rock with pulse-raising beats to brace yourself for a heavy deadlift? It may help you unleash your inner beast and agony but the…
We are all somewhat familiar the gym rat stereotype – shredded bodybuilders knocking back a protein shake after coming out of the gym with blood pumping through their veins. Whey…
If you’ve tried most of the fad diets and fat-burning exercises, but you’re still not shedding fats, chances are your thyroid gland is not producing enough hormones to control…
The term “fad diet” is almost synonymous with “a shortcut to weight loss”, which can sound far fetched to some people. It’s basically geared towards individuals who want to…
It takes tremendous motivation and conscientiousness to get a shredded physique. There’s no way you can just hammer away on the treadmill and expect to shred pounds overnight. In order…
It goes without saying that you are what you eat. A diet with well balanced intake of fat, carbohydrates and protein works wonder for our health but did you…
Adopting healthy eating habits is touted as the best way to make lasting changes in weight and body composition. But besides food choices, there are some other components that come…
If you’ve been slogging away on the elliptical for hours every day in hope of getting a chiselled physique but still not seeing the result, then it’s an indicator telling…