According to statistics, one in three kids born after the year 2000 in America are either obese or overweight. Poor eating habits, lack of physical workout, and easy access to high sugary drinks, processed foods, fast foods, and foods high in carbohydrates are the main contributing factors behind childhood obesity.

The obesity epidemic is growing fast in America:

While obesity is worsening among kids in the US, a new Harvard research suggests that most American kids are going to be obese by the time they reach the age 35. However, despite the growing obesity epidemic in America, the US decides to subsidize junk food and obesity and make Twinkies and junk food available for poor and low income communities.

We must cut the government subsidy on GMO corn and soy and make fruits and vegetables available and affordable for low income communities in America. Obesity related diseases cost tax-payers about nearly $200 billion a year. The current healthcare industry is going to fail as long as the focus of the debate isn’t on diet and healthy lifestyle changes.

How zipcode and obesity are linked to each other:

Most kids in low income communities in America grow up on a bag of Cheetos or potato chips. Kids who grow up in low income communities do not have access to farmers market or organic fresh fruits and vegetable.

Keep in mind that 50% of farm lands in the US are used to grow GMO corn and soy and only 3% of US farm lands are used for growing fresh fruits and vegetables. We do not have enough fruits and vegetables if most Americans decide to eat fresh organic foods.

We must make fresh organic fruits affordable and available for our community, or most of us are going to pay a serious price in our health as a result.

The importance of preventing childhood obesity early – Children learn eating habits from parents

Keep in mind that children learn eating habit from parents, so as parents we must lead by example. We should encourage our kids to adopt a healthier lifestyle by exercising and eating healthier foods. It is critical to educate our kids about the importance of proper nutrition and even teach them how to grow their own food.

Starting early to teach kids about nutrition plays a key role in preventing childhood obesity. With proper training, patience and support we could educate our kids about importance of nutrient-dense superfoods and the long-term health risks associated with junk foods, fast foods and processed foods that have little or no nutrients.