If you’ve tried most of the fad diets and fat-burning exercises, but you’re still not shedding fats, chances are your thyroid gland is not producing enough hormones to control metabolism. An under-active thyroid gland can cause water retention, weight gain and many other health problems, such as muscle pain, dry mouth and skin, and even some types of cancer. What you can do is stock up on the supplements that provide you the mineral called iodine to regulate your metabolic functions. The best way to get the minerals into your system is to take iodine supplements along with the meal you’re having. Check out the list of iodine sources if you’re diagnosed with iodine deficiency (It’s best to consult your physician before you take them). Just a side note, bear in mind that having too much iodine can take a toll on your thyroid health too, so it’s important to consult your doctor and get it checked out first.


Kombu Kelp

Kelp is the natural and plant-based source of iodine. If you take iodine in a synthetic way, your system might not be able to absorb it efficiently, so it’s vital to take iodine along with the meal you’re having. Kelp is influential in absorbing iodine into your system. Dubbed as “the king of seaweeds”, kombu is the Japanese name for dried sea kelp that is loaded with nutrients like vitamins, calcium and particularly iodine.


Nascent Iodine

Touted as the most consumable and absorbable iodine, nascent iodine is the atomic form of iodine that helps maintain metabolism, brain function, boost our energy and auto-regulate the internal environment in a stable state. Its iodine is more readily absorbed or bioavailable than the others’ because it’s recognised as the precursor of thyroid hormone. It can also be used to combat harmful infections and enhance the overall health.


Potassium Iodine

Usually comes in tablets or liquid, potassium iodine is a salt of non-radioactive iodine that helps prevent our thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine that can cause detrimental effect on our thyroid gland. Apart from keeping our iodine level in check, potassium iodine can also help reduce the risk of getting arthritis which often stems from iodine deficiency, and prevent weight gain associated with hormonal balance. It also filters out the harmful substances like fluoride and mercury from our cells and tissues.


Lugol’s Solution Iodine

Known as one of most common iodine supplement and panacea, lugol’s solution iodine is touted to combat many diseases, boost immune system and stimulate the body’s ability to lose weight by replenishing iodine stores. Since it contains potassium iodine, it can also block the radioactive iodine and reduce the risk of thyroid cancer. It also serves as pre-operative treatment for those who need to undergo thyroid removal.


Foods That Are Rich In Iodine

Bear in mind that you only need the supplements if you’re diagnosed with underactive thyroid gland or can’t absorb enough iodine from food. In fact, there are many foods that we take on daily basis are rich in iodine, such as dairy products like yoghurt and cheese, iodized salt that can be bought in grocery stores, shrimp and tuna, etc.

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